Wednesday, April 20, 2011

BoUdhaNath TeMpLe!

Bouddhanath Stupa, the biggest stupa in Nepal, lies about 7 km east of the capital. The Bouddhanath stupa, also called by many as Khasti Chitya, is one of the oldest stupas in the country. After 1959, many Tibetans arrived and settled in Bouddhanath area. The stupa, a well-known Buddhist pilgrimage site, is included in World Heritage Cultural site list by UNESCO.

Fast Facts

Location 7 km east of Kathmandu
Importance UNESCO world Heritage Site
UNESCO Category Cultural
UNESCO Listed 1979

With diameter of about 100m and 40m height, Buddhanath holds its place among the largest stupas in the world. The Buddhanath stupa covers a vast area. It has a round path at the bottom while another path is made of three-tier plinth. The stupa resembles Swayambhunath stupa to some extent. The most impressive part of the stupa is the eyes of the Buddha which are painted with red, white and blue colors.


Lhosar, the Tibetan new year festival, is the most popular festival celebrated at Bodhanath Stupa. Lhosar festival begins with prayers and worship. Thousands of Tibetans dress in traditional attire and dance after expressing reverence for Buddha. Number of Tibetans come from Laddakh, Sikkim, Bhutan to take part in this festival.


In Buddhanath Stupa, there are many monasteries or Gompa attractions. They are all impressively adorned and colorfully painted. Anyone can visit the monasteries and take visuals. It is advisable to give small donation if you take photographs.


  • The whole structure has a diameter of about 100 meters and a height of approximate 40 meters.
  • Legend holds that King Manadeva erected the Bouddhanath stupa during the Lichavi period. It has been refurbished many times. The present stupa was renovated in the seventeenth century.

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